Pat Franklin
Bobby Hicks
Renowned fiddler Bobby Hicks
The Annual Madison County Arts Council fundraiser known as The Soiree at Kalamazoo will be held beginning at 3 p.m. on October 13 on Little Pine Road in Madison County, North Carolina, at the site of the old Kalamazoo Presbyterian Church and School.
The price of $30 includes a warm fall meal and 98-year-old Lib Robert’s famous banana pudding. “Some folks come all the way from Burke County for mama’s puddin’,” said hostess Pat Franklin.
Monies raised from The Soiree at Kalamazoo support The Franklin Project, which helps to fund the Junior Appalachian Musicians Program of the Madison County Arts Council. Forrest Jarrett, retired railroad pistol toter, Marshall Depot savior and Franklin Project board member said, "Nothing does
my heart more good than to see these young folks learn to play, sing and dance to the music of our ancestors. I am mighty proud to play a part in making it possible for our youth to carrying on their heritage.”
Back by popular demand is Honky Tonk songster Judge Rebecca Edgers Gryder and her band, Amantha Mill. This year’s special guest is Grammy-winning, IBMA Hall of Fame member and gifted fiddler Bobby Hicks.
Joe, Logan and The Choir will open and close.
“Our music is outstanding this year, coupled with some great silent auction and raffle donations, more scrumptious homemade comfort food and libations than you can shake a stick at, plus the opportunity to fellowship with folks you know and friends you need to make,” Franklin said.
Laura Boosinger, executive director of the Madison County Arts Council, said, “Pat Franklin began this event over a decade ago as a gathering of neighbors in support of the Arts Council. Now The Soiree at Kalamazoo is the social event of the season. The audience has grown beyond Madison County, and in past years guests attended from Tennessee, South Carolina, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania and Germany.”
For more information visit the Arts Council website or call (828) 649-1301.