The Greeneville, Tennessee, County tourism department will sponsor its Festival of Trees open house beginning Sunday, November, 17, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Greeneville Commons Shopping Center.
The open house features refreshments, music, Santa, and the opportunity to bid on Christmas trees, wreaths, and centerpieces.
Silent auction bidding will begin at the open house and take place through noon on Tuesday, November 26. The entry fee throughout the 10-day event is donation of a canned food item to be delivered to the local food bank.
"This annual 10-day silent auction is a great way to ring in the Christmas season and to promote team building for industries, churches, clubs, etc.," said Tammy Kinser, director of tourism for Greene County. "This event showcases talent and team work and offers families the opportunity to come out, enjoy the beautiful decorations and refreshments and to share in the opening of the season."
All proceeds from the Festival of Trees go to funding the tourism department and its sports council for use in promoting Greeneville and Greene County.
For more information or to donate an item for the silent auction, please contact Kinser at .