From the editor, June 2023



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It’s so hard and it never ends

Life is forever changed when we lose a loved companion. Nature will help you as nature deals with this every moment of every day. Spend time alone out in nature. Let the wind talk to you. She is out there.

Donna K more than 1 year ago


As you’ve heard many times-I’m so sorry for your loss. My husband of 27 years died 2 years ago. It has been the worst thing I have ever experienced. You will have good and bad days. Take them as they come and always remember the love you shared! My prayers are with you!

Linda Ming more than 1 year ago

Thank You

I'm so sorry for your loss of Susan, my husband of 29 year's passed away on March 18th from an Abdominal Aortic Anyerism, it was absolutely unexpected & shocking, he was gone in minutes, everything you said is so true, the rollercoaster of emotions is the worst, you can't think, can't sleep, you pretty much feel like you're stuck in the twilight zone, staying busy is the only thing that has helped. You are not alone, it only feels that way, prayers for peace.

Kris Shearer more than 1 year ago

Write With Susan

I just read your letter from the editor in the current issue and felt compelled to hop online and find a way to write you. I'm saddened by the loss that you are experiencing. I'm sure you've heard more "I'm sorrys" than you can count by now but my heart does ache for you. The reason I'm here is...I felt lead to encourage you to write for Susan. Use it as a way to reconnect in your mind and allow that to lead your writing topics. What would she write about, if she wanted to? Or, if she wanted to read...what would interest her? Thinking of the contents between all the pages of the magazine...what might resonate with her most? Dive deep into that and write for her, or perhaps with her perspective. You might find that this takes you to a warm place with her for a little while. It may even be a bit healing. Write about all those beautiful native wildflowers erupting and how one can join one of the spring wildflower tours at the Smoky Mountain National Park. It's like an Easter egg hunt for horticulture-loving adults! Something tells me Susan would have loved that. I can completely identify with her love of these magnificent plants that no one has to "plant;" they hide most of the year, only to jump out and greet us in splendor in the spring. I'm getting off topic here, but I hope you'll chew on the idea of writing with Susan. Don't sit at your desk or computer and ponder over what to say or how to begin. Take a walk, a drive, or sit on her favorite park bench...anything less formal than a workspace. Go somewhere that you can be with your thoughts and BE with her in your mind. The topic will come. The research will be more enjoyable. The writing will be healing. Blessings, my friend.

April Barker more than 1 year ago