From the managing editor, February 2019



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Up above you on Reed Mountain

I have fond memories of your mom and grandmother, and remember those cold dashes to bed in our house, and to the warm stove in the kitchen in the mornings!
Our dog, Tippy, actually came from your grandmother. Someone had played a trick on her and put a big pup in with her small ones...and she gave him to my brother, James. He was the neighborhood pet from the time I was 5, until my junior year in college. I don’t think anyone was ever buried at Bethel without Tippy being at the gravesite.
I always enjoy your articles!

Geneva Lamb more than 4 years ago

Remembering Tippy

Maybe Tippy joined in as Bobby and John Reed and I played football at Bethel. Thanks for remembering. I often think of Riceville when I sit down to write my column. I just let my mind wander back to the banks of Grassy Branch.

Jonathan Austin more than 4 years ago