Join Chris Hoge of Wildland Trekking on a hike on Caldwell Fork to complete the Boogerman Trail loop! From its beginning, this trail crosses two small rivulets among dog-hobble and rosebay rhododendron. It's a dream scene for tree-lovers! You will see rich, mixed woodlands of Eastern hemlock, tuliptree, pignut hickory, various oaks and more.
Date: Monday, June 25
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Difficulty rating: Moderate to strenuous
Mileage: 7 miles maximum
Location: Meet promptly at the Caldwell Fork Trailhead located on left side of road just before you reach the ranger station. Many of our events are held in remote locations and digital navigation may not work, so familiarize yourself with the meeting location prior to the event.
What To Bring: In addition to plenty of water and enough food for your comfort, sturdy trail shoes and your favorite GSMA guidebooks we recommend you bring along all-weather gear and sunscreen. A personal first-aid kit and hiking sticks may be helpful as well.
Know Before You Go: GSMA events travel rain or shine and follow Great Smoky Mountains National Park Service operation policies. Keep in mind that many of our events are often several hours from telephone or emergency service.
Your enjoyment of these programs supports the Smokies. Participation fees are lifelines for GSMA to secure the services of some of the most knowledgeable guides whose purpose is to help strengthen your knowledge and appreciation of the Smokies.