The Kruger Brothers will perform at the Ebbs Chapel Performing Arts Center in Madison County, North Carolina, on August 29. “This show is sure to be a sell-out,” said Laura Boosinger, executive director of the Madison County Arts Council.
The Kruger Brothers are from Switzerland but make their home in Wilkes County, North Carolina. Their fusion of classical music and folk music has resulted in a unique sound that has made them a fixture in the acoustic performance world. Their repertoire spans traditional favorites from the late Doc Watson to music composed for symphony.
The Ebbs Chapel Performing Arts Center was founded on the grounds of a community school near Mars Hill, North Carolina. The building was built in 1938. In 2001, local residents banded together to save it from demolition. The theater has been fully refurbished.
Tickets for both shows can be purchased by calling (828) 649-1301 or by visiting www.madisoncountyarts.com