A celebrated day of fiber and textiles will return to the Folk Art Center on May 14 with the Southern Highland Craft Guild’s Fiber Day. For more than 30 years, felters, quilters, weavers, knitters, tatters, spinners, and many more fiber makers convene at the Folk Art Center, located at milepost 382 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, to demonstrate a variety of techniques. This free community event invites visitors to get a close-up look at how fiber products are made and the stories of these crafters.
Textile arts are known for building a sense of community. To celebrate this, the guild invites visitors at Fiber Day to bring their own handwork, whatever it may be.
Bring a blanket, a picnic, or walk on the hiking trails, and enjoy a spring afternoon of fiber craft.
Fiber Day is a free event on May 14, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., at the Folk Art Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway in east Asheville. For more information, visit www.craftguild.org/events or call 828-298-7928.