Summer’s End Means Sorghum



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Molasses demonstration

We visit Dollywood twice a year and ,the Guenthers are there in October , with their working display. We enjoy talking to them and watching the process of making sorgum from the much simpler times. They are very nice folks and you can tell that they enjoy explaining to young and old ,what is involved in the much outdated process of making " Real Sorgum" . We someday would like to visit the farm ( I'm an old farm boy too) . They do use modern equipment on it ,and Mr. Guenthers built a barn that he built in , I believe he said the 90's. It's shape and design is more common to early 1900's , but his pictures ( which he is proud to show you) are of a very neat barn. Thank you Mark & Sherry for keeping history alive. Mitch & Kelly from Michigan

Mitch Brower more than 4 years ago