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John Northrup photo
Mount Cammerer, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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Alicia Goodson photo
Cataloochee Valley, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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Beverly Slone photo
Rock pool at High Falls.
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Gary Pinholster photo
Tremont, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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Gary Pinholster photo
Jim Bales Place - Roaring Fork, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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Bonnie Waigand photo
Foothills Parkway, Tenn.
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Bonnie Waigand photo
Wears Valley, Tenn.
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John Northrup photo
Sunset at Clingmans Dome.
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Joy Boren photo
Waynesville, N.C.
Autumn lights up Southern Appalachia in a burst of color and activity. Our readers share their favorite scenes of this showstopping season.
Reader-submitted photos are unpaid but may be rewarded with publication in our nationally distributed magazine. Connect with us at smliv.com, facebook.com/smliv, and on Twitter and Instagram @SmokyMtnLiving.