That Day at the Laundromat



Comments (3)

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Im quite a bit older now but i can remember bringing in the clothes for Mum off the line in the winter time, i used to joke with her and stand the frozen longjohns in the corner and say look at this Mum, frozen legs, nice article i enjoyed it.

thomas mailman more than 2 years ago


Wonderful article. In my soon to be released novel. (I am in editing Hell at the moment) There is a part about my mom who in later years had a dryer but still hung the clothes on the line because God did it for free.
I enjoy your articles. Thank you for sharing and God bless you.

Billy Beasley more than 2 years ago

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Thank you, Billy! I appreciate your support and am always happy that readers enjoy (and can relate to) my stories.

Julia Nunnally Duncan more than 2 years ago